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Visa Cancellation Australia:
s109, 116 & 501

Know about the reasons and solutions behind visa cancellations in Australia. If your visitor, partner, or student visa was cancelled and you need an Australian immigration consultant to give you sound legal advice, speak to one of our immigration lawyers by booking an official appointment.

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    Section 116 Visa Cancellation

    Section 116 Migration Act provides the Department with a broad range of visa cancellation powers.

    Your visa may be cancelled if you have committed a crime in Australia or have provided incorrect information on your application, among other reasons.

    What are the grounds for a section 116 cancellation?

    Reasons the Minister may cancel a visa under section 116 include (but are not limited to):

    • You have provided incorrect information for your current visa
    • Your circumstances have changed and you are no longer eligible for your visa
    • Your visa was granted based on a fact or circumstance that did not exist
    • You have not complied with a visa condition
    • You present a risk to the Australian community
    • You present a risk to individuals in Australia

    In particular, we recommend that you speak to a lawyer if you believe that you have provided incorrect information to the Department or have committed a criminal offence in Australia.

    I have committed a crime – can my criminal activity result in 116 cancellation of my visa?

    Criminal activity may result in a section 116 cancellation of your visa on the basis that you may present a risk to the Australian community.

    If you have committed a crime, the Department may consider section 116 visa cancellation and they will issue you with a Notice of Intention to Consider Cancellation (NOICC). You will have a short timeframe to provide information to the Department about your situation.

    If you have been convicted of a crime and have been given a prison sentence of 12 months or more, please see section 501

    Can I appeal a section 116 visa cancellation?

    A section 116 visa cancellation can be appealed. The appeal options should be outlined in your section 116 visa cancellation notification from the Department of Home Affairs.

    If you receive a 116 cancellation, we recommend that you speak to a lawyer about your appeal options. Our expert migration lawyers can assist you in determining if you have grounds to appeal a decision at the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) and assist you with the appeals process.

    Book a consultation online now with one of our expert immigration lawyers to discuss your options if your visa has been cancelled under section 116 of the Migration Act.

    Need Visa Assistance?

    Talk to one of our Visa Experts Now.

    Section 109 Cancellation

    Your visa may be cancelled if you are found to have provided an incorrect answer in your past visa application or incoming passenger card.

    Section 109 incorrect answers visa cancellation – as a visa holder you must not provide an incorrect answer when completing a visa application or incoming passenger card even (s 98). This applies to anyone who completed the form or card for you and to any visa application or incoming passenger you have previously completed.

    Any information that you give or provide, whether by you or someone else on your behalf, is taken for the purposes of s 100, 101(b) and 102(b) and s 104 and 105 to be an answer to a question in the application form or passenger card (s 99).

    When is Visa Cancellation Triggered Under Section 109?

    Section 109 incorrect answers visa cancellation is triggered even though you did not know the answer you or someone else on your behalf has given in a question is incorrect (s 100). In addition, it does not matter whether the non-compliance is deliberate or inadvertent (s 111).

    In short, you must always make sure when completing an application, including a sponsorship application for a Partner visa (click here to learn more about Subclass 300, Subclass 309, Subclass 820, Subclass 100 and Subclass 801 visa), all questions on it are answered and no incorrect answers are given (s 101).

    This includes when filling in incoming passenger cards (s 102). If you do not, section 109 incorrect answers visa cancellation can be triggered.

    Similarly, you or someone on your behalf must not give, present, produce or provide any bogus documents (s 103).

    Failure to notify the Department of a change in your circumstances

    Section 109 incorrect answers visa cancellation can be triggered if you do not notify the Department of a change in your circumstances (s 104). You must notify the Department even after your visa is granted (s 104(4)).

    For example, you are no longer in a relationship causing the answer to a question on your application form to become incorrect due to the relationship breakdown (new circumstances). You must notify the Department in writing (using form 1023) of the new circumstances and of the correct answer (s 104(1)).

    However, this only applies when you are in Australia and before the visa is granted (s 104(2)) or when you are outside Australia at the time of visa grant, this will only apply to changes in circumstances after lodging the application and before you are immigration cleared (s 104(3)).

    Awareness that an answer you gave was incorrect when it was given

    Section 109 incorrect answers visa cancellation can be triggered when you become aware that an answer you have given or provided in an application form; or an answer given in our incoming passenger card; or a response given to a NOICC (Notice Of Intention to Consider Cancelling); was incorrect when it was given or provided.

    You must as soon as practicable notify the Department in writing of the incorrectness and of the correct answer (s 105(1)). This applied even after you have been granted the visa (s 105(2)).

    Section 109 incorrect visa cancellation can also be triggered if the Department becomes aware of the incorrect answers that were given by you not related to a visa application (s 106).

    When the Department becomes aware that you did not comply with the above (ss101, 102, 103, 104 or 105), you will receive a NOICC (s 107(1)):

    • 1. Giving you particulars of your possible non-compliance; and
    • 2. Stating that, within a period stated in the NOICC, you may give to the Department a written response to the notice that:
    • 3. You dispute that there was non-compliance:
    • 4. Shows that there was compliance; and
    • 5. In case the Department decides under s 108 that, in spite of (A), there was non-compliance shows cause why your visa should not be cancelled; or
    • 6. If you accept that there was non-compliance; and
    • 7. Give reasons for the non-compliance; and
    • 8. Shows the cause why your visa should be cancelled; and
    • 9. Stating that the Department will consider cancelling your visa;
    • 10. If you give the Department a written response with the timeframe that you will not give a written response; or
    • 11. If you give the Department a written response within that timeframe; or
    • 12. At the end of that timeframe; and
    • 13. Setting out section 109 incorrect answers visa cancellation (i.e. the effect of 108, 109, 111 and 112); and
    • 14. Informing you of your obligations under s 104 or 105 are not affected by the NOICC;
    • 15. Requiring you to tell the Department your current residential address.

    The NOICC must tell you the timeframe to respond. If you are holding a temporary visa the timeframe is prescribed by the Migration Regulations or, if no timeframe is prescribed, a reasonable timeframe (s 107(1A)(a)). If you are holding a permanent visa, the timeframe to provide a response is 14 days (s 107(1A)(b)).

    If you respond to the section 109 incorrect answers visa cancellation’s NOICC, you must not make any incorrect statement
    (s 107(2)).

    When is Visa Cancellation Triggered Under Section 109?

    Section 109 incorrect answers visa cancellation can also be triggered if the non-compliance is connected with a previous visa application. Your current visa may be cancelled for incorrect answers given at any time in your previous visa application (s 107A).

    If you have received a NOICC and you have provided a response, the Department will consider that response as required under s 107(1)(b). The Department will decide whether there was non-compliance in the way described in the NOICC (s 108(b)).

    The Department is required to decide if you were non-compliance in the way required under s 107(1)(b), that is, you have given a response within the timeframe specified in the NOICC. If the Department decided that you were non-compliance, then the
    Department will have to take into consideration the following prescribed circumstances below before cancelling your visa
    (s 109(2)).

    Prescribed circumstance whether to cancel or not (reg. 2.41)

    • 1. The correct information;
    • 2. The content of the genuine document (if any);
    • 3. Whether the decision to grant a visa was based, wholly or partly, on incorrect information or a bogus document;
    • 4. The circumstances in which the non-compliance occurred;
    • 5. The present circumstances of the visa holder;
    • 6. The subsequent behaviour of the visa holder concerning his or her obligations under Subdivision C of Division 3 of
      Part 2 of the Act;
    • 7. Any other instances of non-compliance by the visa holder known to the Minister;
    • 8. The time that has elapsed since the non-compliance;
    • 9. Any breaches of the law since the non-compliance and the seriousness of those breaches; and
    • 10. Any contribution made by the holder to the community.

    How to avoid section 109 incorrect answers visa cancellation

    If you are in Australia and you complied with sections 101, 102, 103, 104 and 105 in relation to the visa, your visa cannot be cancelled if you have fully disclosed the incorrect answers to the Department (s 113).

    In some instances, you may also withdraw your visa application or sponsorship to avoid section 109 incorrect answers for visa cancellation.

    Appealing to the section 109 visa cancellation

    If your visa is cancelled under section 109 because you have given incorrect answers, you can appeal the refusal to the AAT or the Court. If the cancellation decision is set aside then your visa is taken never to have been cancelled, otherwise, you may be prevented from returning to Australia for a period of time (s 114).

    Note that the Department can also cancel your temporary or permanent visa without giving notice to you while you are outside Australia.

    Australian migration law is complex and difficult to understand, contact our immigration lawyer for a consultation (fee applies) to help you with your visa cancellation.

    Need Visa Assistance?

    Talk to one of our Visa Experts Now.

    Section 501 Cancellations

    Visas also get cancelled on character grounds, which can potentially get an individual removed from Australia.

    Under section 501 of the Migration Act 1958 (Cth) a non-citizen’s visa may be refused or cancelled if they do not pass the
    character test.

    What is the character test?

    The character test is defined under section 501(6) and a person will fail it if they:

    • Have a substantial criminal record;
    • Have been convicted of escaping from immigration detention;
    • Have committed offences whilst in immigration detention;
    • Have been a member of, or had associations with, an organisation involved in criminal conduct;
    • Is reasonably suspected of being involved with people smuggling, people trafficking, genocide, war crimes or crimes against humanity;
    • Have convictions for one or more sexually based offences involving a child;
    • Are the subject of an adverse assessment by ASIO;
    • An Interpol notice has been issued from which it would be reasonable to conclude that they present a risk to the Australian community.

    What is a ‘substantial criminal record’?

    Under section 501(7) a person has a substantial criminal record if they have been:

    • Sentenced to death
    • Sentenced to life imprisonment
    • Sentenced to a term of imprisonment for 12 months or more
    • Acquitted of an offence on the grounds of mental illness and, as a result, detained in a facility or institution
    • Found by a court not fit to plead and the court has nonetheless made a finding of guilt on the evidence available and they have been detained in a facility or institution

    Most non-citizens who fail the character test will do so as a result of having been sentenced to a term of imprisonment for 12 months or more.

    There can be multiple terms of imprisonment which together add up to 12 months or more. The terms of imprisonment can also be served concurrently (at the same time), but still add up to 12 months for the purposes of the definition under section 501(7).

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    Haroon Parvez

    The team at parish Patience Immigration Lawyers were incredibly helpful throughout the application process. Their assistance made our lives so much less stressful and their expertise cleared up any confusion we had. They remained engaged with us the whole time and quickly responded to any questions with thoughtful, detailed answers. Special thanks to Usman Ali and Shan . We highly recommend the team at Parish patience immigration lawyer for anyone considering help regarding any kind of visa .

    W. A.

    Highly recommended lawyers! Extremely professional and reliable service, with outstanding outcomes. A special thanks to Mr Thong and Marlene, for helping us with our difficult case. Not only did they ensure that everything was ready to go, but their professionalism came in favor when we were granted our visa within just under 6 months!

    J P

    Thong and Marlene helped my partner gain permanent residency in Australia. We did the application ourselves but it turned out lots of information we needed to provide was missing. Thong and Marlene picked our case up and helped amend it. I really appreciate their help and guidance and look forward to contacting them again in the future. I am pleased by their efforts and professionalism.

    Alaa Omer

    Successfully handled my case. He had been prompt, caring and very professional in dealing with my case. I am glad to have received very strong support, guidance and service from them. I would highly recommend Parish patience immigration lawyers. I wish the best for their future prospects.

    Jabir Ibna Mohammad

    I’m really thankful for the guidance and assistance I’ve received regarding my Partner visa from Shan and his assistance Asha at Parish Patience. They handled my matter professionally and there were clear instructions from the beginning till end. I got my partner visa 820 granted in less than 7 months, thanks to their knowledge and expertise. I wish them all the best and highly recommend Parish Patience Immigration Lawyers for any sort of immigration matters.

    Need Expert Visa Cancellation Advice or Assistance?

    Understanding the complexities of Australian immigration, particularly visa refusals and cancellations, can be confusing, time-consuming, and overwhelming. At Parish Patience Immigration Lawyers, you have a dedicated legal partner who can help you understand your options and take the best course of action after a refusal or cancellation.

    Don’t hesitate to call us or schedule an appointment. Let us solve your visa problems as soon as possible without compromising your chances of a positive outcome.

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      Parish Patience Immigration Lawyers Sydney
      Parish Patience Immigration Lawyers Sydney
      381 Google reviews
      Sadia Ahmed
      Sadia Ahmed
      Usman looked after my file and we are granted 189 today . Very supportive team
      T Malhi
      T Malhi
      I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Parish Patience for the exceptional service they provided throughout my journey from Winning MRT(student visa ), 485 Visa and another student visa extensions to finally obtaining skilled migration. Usman demonstrated remarkable expertise and unwavering patience in addressing all my inquiries. I never felt the need to persistently follow up for updates on my application. His consistently kind, generous, and positive demeanor was truly commendable. I highly recommend Usman's services and extend my heartfelt appreciation to him.Thank you, Usman for bringing joy to those who have lost hope. You should be proud of the work you do
      Yaad Matharu
      Yaad Matharu
      I highly recommend their service. I would like to express my gratitude to Mr. Usman for his exceptional professionalism and expertise.
      Umer Saeed
      Umer Saeed
      Very professional, high standards of service and comprehensive knowledge of immigration, i strongly recommend them to anyone who requires immigration advice.
      Safat Aqib
      Safat Aqib
      I received excellent service from Parish patience. Usman and Billah were extremely proficient and courteous, and they assisted me throughout every stage. I strongly recommend them to anyone who requires immigration advice.
      Kanika Dua
      Kanika Dua
      Hi Just want to share my recent experience with parish patience. I was depressed and hopeless about my case and MR PRASAD at parish patience gave me hope and prepared my file very strong so I win in the AAT hearing. The case is in my favour now and hopefully i will get PR very soon. Highly recommend their service. They all are professionals and experts in their fields.
      Anand Inbasekaran
      Anand Inbasekaran
      I thank Upasna for making the visa process smooth and stress- free. Her attention to detail, prompt responsiveness, and in-depth knowledge of immigration procedures reflect a high standard of service. It was a pleasure to work with Parish Patience, and I would confidently recommend your services to others.
      Thihan Oo
      Thihan Oo
      Very happy and grateful for your services, fast, reliable, approachable and super efficient team, Shan and Asha, you guys are the best.
      Sarma B
      Sarma B
      I can't express enough gratitude for the outstanding service provided by my lawyer in helping me secure my partner visa. From the moment I walked into their office, I felt reassured by their warm demeanor and professionalism. Throughout the entire process, they were not only knowledgeable but also incredibly supportive, guiding me through each step with patience and clarity. What truly sets them apart is their accessibility. Whenever I had a question or concern, they were readily available, promptly responding to calls and emails, which alleviated any anxiety I had about the process. Their dedication to their clients is truly commendable. Thanks to their expertise and unwavering support, I am now able to build a future with my partner without the stress of immigration uncertainties. I wholeheartedly recommend their services to anyone in need of legal assistance, especially for partner visas. Thank you immensely for your outstanding representation!
      Rohan chowdhury
      Rohan chowdhury
      Usman Ali is by far one of the best lawyers I’ve met, very knowledgeable, very professional, calm, supportive, prompt in replying with his emails, basically everything that you look in a lawyer. He made the process unbelievable quick, effective and successful. Heartily thankful for him and the whole team.